Leading fashion expert and director of Signed Chanel and British Style, Loïc Prigent portrays one of the greatest couturiers, Christian Dior, through a creative biography including animated drawings commented by contemporary audio archives and interviews of fashion historians, dressmakers, friends and icons such as Charlize Theron, Robert Pattinson or Jennifer Lawrence who followed in the steps of legends Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth and Marlene Dietrich - who only wore Dior!
As Felicitas' life is turned upside down she doesn't know if her nightmares are taking over or if something bigger is trying to control her - and the only way to find out the truth is her best friend Natascha who is locked up in an asylum.
Zen for Nothing tells of the experiences of Sabine Timoteo from Switzerland, as a "Zen novice" in Antaiji in Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Germany 1924. Middle aged Dr. Immanuel Rath is a literature professor at a boys college. Most of his students don't much like him, often calling him "unrath" - German for garbage. Dr. Rath learns that many of his boys often frequent a cabaret called Der blaue Engel - the Blue Angel - which he believes is corrupting their impressionable young minds. He heads to the Blue Angel himself to catch the boys in the act and shame them into not going again. Over several visits, Rath is able to catch the boys, but in the process he also understands what attracts the boys, namely the headlining performer Lola Lola. Rath falls under Lola's spell, he who falls in love with her - and she seemingly with him - so much so that he wants to marry her and give up his teaching career to be with her on her travels from cabaret to cabaret. Their relationship ends up not being what either envisioned, the question being how they will both deal with their disintegrating relationship and the reasons behind that.
In the summer of 1979, in Thüringen, in East Germany, two families put together a crazy plan. They are desperate to leave the DDR for the 'West' and plan to flee in a homemade hot air balloon. After sewing and tinkering for weeks, the amateurs make their first attempt. Meters from the West German border, their balloon suffers from the rain and crash lands. Luckily, they manage to avoid being caught by the police. However, the wreckage from their escape attempt is found and that triggers a desperate manhunt. The tension rises as the families determine to try again, and a race against time ensues. On the one hand, the authorities, desperate to track down the traitors, become aware that a second attempt is being planned. On the other, the would-be escapees, conscious of the search drawing ever nearer, need to build a more robust, weatherproof balloon - and avoid leaving too many clues.